فارسی عربي


Leipzig festival nominates Iran doc

Iranian documentary film ‘Women with Gunpowder Earrings’ has been selected as one of the nominees for the best film from the audience's point of view at the Germany’s 2018 Dok Leipzig, one of the oldest documentary festivals in the world.

Directed by Reza Farahmand, the documentary was nominated for “Best Film from the Viewpoint of Audience: The Leipziger Ring Award” at the 61st International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film.

The prize is awarded to an outstanding documentary film about human rights, democracy or civil engagement, according to the website of the festival.

‘Women with Gunpowder Earrings’, produced by Morteza Shabani, received several awards at various international festivals, with the latest being the main award at the 16th Signes de Nuit International Film Festival in France.

The Signes de Nuit jury released statement on the film where it hails Farahmand’s bravery for taking the camera close to the subjects, giving the audience a glimpse into the severe tensions on the front line, and people’s suffering.

The juries also commended the documentary for having succeeded in bringing to light the ambiguity and uncertainty in the words of Daesh supporters.

The film is about Noor Al-Helli, a female journalist who covers the plight of Syrian and Iraqi women and children in the war against the Daesh terrorist group.

The 2018 DOK Leipzig kicked off in the German city of Leipzig on October 29 and is set to run until November 4.

